To implement long-term development of oil-producing complex it is important to increase the company’s raw material base. It is necessary to conduct geological exploration work in new areas and stratigraphic horizons using equipment and technologies for tight oil development to enhance oil recovery. A-Energy has the most advanced fleet of drilling and seismic equipment, which provides efficient and effective development of new wells. The Company performs on-going modernization of the equipment.
We use the most advanced technologies in our work. A-Energy specialists, from top managers to drill foremen, have extensive experience and constantly update their knowledge and skills at advanced training courses. The Company keeps up with the times. We monitor new trends in oil and gas industry and power sector and apply them in our work. We have our own patent products successfully used by Group partners.
Innovative development of national oil and gas industry largely depends on the investment volume in highly innovative projects focused on development of raw material base, new techniques and technologies that increase the degree of hydrocarbons extraction, reliability of oil and gas processing and oil and gas pipeline network.