Plugging materials lab at the cement company received international accreditation certificate
Such certificate is valid for five years and guarantees technical competence of the company and its staff.
Additionally, such accreditation gives a right to cooperate with external companies, receive orders from them and offer a full range of available services: check tests of cements and plug-back mixtures, selection of formulation of the cement blend. It will enable the company to move to a new level and make a name at the international market of cementing services.
The company uses only high-quality materials from reliable and proved suppliers represented by the best cement plants.
However, each new batch is examined for compliance with the state standards in the lab following by the selection of formulation of the cement blend.
«Mixing ratio is defined jointly with the technological department by adding this or that chemical according to the Client’s requirements. Some chemicals are plasticity agents (for flow characteristics improvement), others – accelerating and retarding agents – they reduce water loss and trapping, – explains chief of laboratory at A-Energy Cement Company. – Thus, we reach the required ratio of chemical agents by experiments. We have a long-term experience in selection of formulation».
Today the lab has all necessary equipment for various tests. A new batch of equipment was purchased last year: thermobaric consistometer; fluid loss tester in well conditions; ultrasonic cement analyzer; viscometer, which helps to calibrate the flow characteristics; cryothermostat, which helps to check set strengths under low temperature by imitating our arctic conditions. Apart from that the lab is equipped with mud specific-gravity hydrometer and electronic scales, ultrasonic lab tool cleaning tank, set strength press.