The world’s first “marine oil refinery” has been commissioned in China

The M350 vessel is capable of processing up to 220 thousand barrels of crude oil per day.
In China, the M350 vessel, which is a «marine oil refinery», was officially transferred to use. The project was developed by Dalian Shipbuilding Industry Co.
The high-tech vessel is designed for the development of deep-sea oil and gas fields. It can extract oil and natural gas, store, process and transport. The M350 is capable of processing up to 220 thousand barrels of crude oil per day, which is equivalent to a processing plant with an area of 10 sq. km. The design service life of the vessel exceeds 30 years. At the same time, it is able to withstand hurricanes.
It is specified that the M350 can be used in many marine areas around the world. The total length of the vessel is 364 m, width — 64 m, estimated side height — 33 m, displacement — more than 460 thousand tons.